


E&J VS Coach’s Jacket

E&J x 40s & Shorties

The collab the started it all. E&J Brandy partnered with streetwear brand, 40’s & Shorties, for a VS inspired line- capped off with this premium coach’s jacket.


When/Why did you first become a fan of E&J?

Fam Responses

  • Peach Brandy Avatar


    6 years ago

    I've always been a fan of E&J! The product makes me continue to love. It's nothing like holidays without E&J! We use it for every occasion!

  • VSOP Brandy Avatar


    6 years ago

    The first time I hand E&J was with my favorite Aunt Earline it was her favorite drink an than it became my favorite especially the Vsop.

  • Member Avatar


    6 years ago

    Been drinking E&J since my 21st birthday and im about to turn 40 and its still a drink i enjoy every night.. i would absolutely love to win this.. thanks so much for the chance

  • VS Brandy Avatar


    6 years ago

    I like it alot

  • VS Brandy Avatar

    6 years ago

    After my first drink I loved it it’s nice and smooth with just enough of a kick of warmth

  • VS Brandy Avatar


    6 years ago

    I became a fan before becoming 21... It's gotta be going on close to ten years now! My parents weren't necessarily the "cool" parents by any means, but they really were because they wanted me to be safe. So I was allowed to begin drinking with a few friends and all of our parents, and the memories of growing up and having fun all began (and still continue) with E&J! E&J is a part of who I am now <3

  • VS Brandy Avatar


    6 years ago

    When I was a teen about 13 years old. In the 1990's with my crew on the corner.

  • VS Brandy Avatar


    6 years ago

    My mom drank EnJ when I was a child so on my 21st Birthday that was the first and only brand I searched for in the liquor store

  • VSOP Brandy Avatar


    6 years ago

    When I was 18

  • VSOP Brandy Avatar


    6 years ago

    19, my older gf at the time had me try it..... man I got sooooo messed up

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